Monday, November 4, 2013

Dance Towards Health

DTH (Dance Towards Health ) recognizes the serious threat obesity poses to the health of America’s children and Adults , And the importance of decreasing its prevalence, not only in Georgia, but across the entire United States .Through programs like DTH (Dance Towards Health ), we are confident that we can play a significant role in remedying this problem. We want the message to resonate with all families, no matter their circumstance or socio-economic background.

During the past four decades, obesity rates have soared among all age groups, increasing more than fourfold among children ages 6 to 11. According to a 2010 study released by the Center for Disease Control, more than 12 million children and teenagers (16.9%) ages 2 to 19 are obese or overweight, a statistic that health and medical experts consider an epidemic.  In Georgia, one in five children is overweight
 Our mission is to inspire and enrich the communities we serve through dance,  nutrition and healthy living