Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Make time for your Family

In the busy world we live in , it is all too easy to let family time disappear . Take time to sit down and eat meals together as a family . Encourage family activities that promote talking and laughter . Take a walk after dinner, light sparklers in the backyard , or go  to a museum together . Take time get away from the television and interact with one another. Here are some examples that we at DTH find to be helpful in getting families to do things together.

Challenge your Kids - Help your children find their athletic talents.Encourage them to join a community sports programs. Challenge them to a family field day and play basketball , volleyball, or tennis together . Children like the idea of competing against and with their parents

Select Active indoor Activities - When choosing indoor activities , try to choose things that keep you moving . Go bowling or ice skating . Stroll through a museum . Even activities like shopping at the mall or at the grocery store can be made into exercise by encouraging your children to walk along with you instead of riding in a cart

Allow free time - Encourage informal play . While team sports have value, make sure your children have time to just play. Some of the best ways to promote fitness are through allowing your children to play outside with friends

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